Literary Festival
An Annual Celebration of Readers, Writers, and Books
Jerry Grillo
Jerry Grillo learned how to type on a manual Smith-Corona and learned how to write while toiling for newspapers in Illinois, New York, Georgia, New York again, South Carolina, Georgia again, Pennsylvania, and Georgia yet again. Along the way, he won a bunch of writing awards from different press associations and realized his dream of being a country newspaper editor. That experience sent him scurrying, gratefully, to the world of magazines.
He was an editor at Georgia Trend magazine for almost 15 years, winning a bunch of regional and national awards for stories about business, politics, the environment, sports, music, but the best part was, he got to interview Jimmy Carter, John Lewis, and Henry Aaron. Grillo also has worked as a freelance writer for a variety of other publications, including Atlanta, Paste, Golf, Fringe Golf, Super Lawyers, Jambands.com, and ESPN.com. These days, he works for the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he writes about science, mostly.
Learn more at JerryGrilloWriter.com
Big Cat: The Life of Baseball Hall of Famer Johnny Mize
Baseball Hall of Famer Johnny Mize grew up in a broken home in the mountains of northeast Georgia. Jerry Grillo writes of Mize’s fifteen Major League seasons with the Cardinals, New York Giants, and Yankees—with whom he won five World Series titles—and the twenty-eight years he spent waiting for his call from the Hall of Fame.
Coming soon, available for pre-order at the Dahlonega Literary Festival.